
You will find a myriad of fish species here. If you’re into fishing, Dråby Strand Camping is just the place for you: salmon, sea trout, cod, saithe, garfish, herring , mackerel , spiny dogfish, ray, plaice, turbot and many more. Why? Because this coast has a depth of down to 62 meters, the deepest on Jutland’s east coast.

It has a lot of underwater limestone and rock land on the bottom, which provides for many different species.
The salmon and sea trout are here throughout the year because thanks to the great depths, they have the possibility to go deeper when the water gets too warm. So when the water gets over 21 degrees you can find them in the depths – while late in the evening and early in the morning you can find them on the bottom. At depths – for example 15-20 meters – we have seen good results fishing 3 meters above the bottom.
You will find the best spots at Glattved, Jernhatten, Kobberhagen, Elsegårde, Hjelm, Østrevet (The eastern reef) toward the pools and Vestrevet (the west reef).

Locations for fishing

We highly recommend using a nautical chart of the area. You can buy one from Lindberg or Westwind in Ebeltoft. There you will also find a real wonderland with gear and bait – worth a visit!
Good bait for the area is Pro King in green and blue, Flutter Chuck, Evil Eye and White Fish.

There are a number of opportunities for jigging, including at Skelhøje grounds and the sand banks by Hjelm.
Here is also a paradise for bait – Klokkegrund, Jernhatten, the Hjelm sand banks and the West reef, are premium places if you go for plaice, turbot, brill and rays. You can also try to catch herring by aiming for the depths.

A real fishing paradise

We have tables where you can clean your fish by the old fishermen houses located directly on the beach
If you can’t eat all the fish you catch at once, we’ll help you freeze it so you can bring the fish home from your holiday.
Come and experience this East Jutland fishing paradise from
Dråby Strand Camping.